

Sebenarnya apa yang kita cari dalam hidup? Kekayaan? Ketenaran? Kekuasaaan? Atau apa? Sering aku lupa untuk apa aku di sini, untuk apa aku diciptakan, dan untuk apa aku dilahirkan. Aku sering terfikir, sebenarnya untuk apa semua ini? Hidup cuma begini begini saja bukan? :Lahir, balita, kanak-kanak, remaja, dewasa, tua dan mati. Walaupun gak semua bisa melewati fase itu. Banyak yang masih dalam kandungan tapi sudah meninggal, begitu juga masa kanak-kanak ataupun lainnya. Sering aku bertanya pada diriku sendiri, " untuk apa semua ini? Jika semua hidup sama, terus apa yang membedakan hidup kita dengan yang lain? Apakah kekayaan tolak ukurnya? Apakah tingkat sosial juga tolak ukurnya? Entahlah, begitu banyak pertanyaan yang aku sendiri tak mampu untuk menjawabnya" Terkadang aku berfikir, kenapa kita selalu membandingkan diri dengan orang lain? Membandingkan diri dengan tolak ukur kecantikan, kekayaan, ketenaran, derajat sosial?


I've not never known yet what kind of life I want. I desperate. I don't know what to do with my life. Too much pressure I create. I  attempt not to force everything happen in my life. Let it flows, it's my principle. Sometime, Koran I read apprise an answer. Almighty has said that He will give what the best for us. I try to believe but sometimes, I lack of faith. Perhaps, I less of grateful.


If I say "mother", What does appear on your mind? Beautiful face, patient person, yearn? If your mother is still alive, you are the luckiest person in the universe. I am always angry when I see person treats her mother badly? Scold her mum when they find difficulties like looking for their stuffs which they forget to put. In this situation, I am about to cry.. How could you yell your mother who had sacrificed her soul when you were born? Do you know what my biggest pretension? How simple it is for mostly people. I just want to make my mum smile in single day. Yet, I have never had that occasion. Fate doesn't allow me to actualize it. It is not  only me, mostly people experience what I do. I don't to blame the destiny, this is my fate and I must accept it though I want or not. However, I am feeling lucky and happy. I have been remembering my mother's  face and smile on my mind. She always places my heart. I aware that many people don't have any oppurtunity ...